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S2 licensed
too late. click my smilie.
S2 licensed
I think a lesson is clear here. Keep a community updated and they will be interested and follow the progress. No-one here is moaning about how it's not released, are they? *ahem*.

I'll be ordering this when it's GA.
S2 licensed
Quote from Mustangman759 :man was just gonna go for the sv98 sniper had picked up bmx's when he died and it was awesome

matt is a total noob, eh.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Those A8 wheels were a 35 offset =P my guess was right. I have my regular wheel back now yay!
S2 licensed
Quote from E.Reiljans :Yeah, just like black people.

No those are Indians.
S2 licensed
Quote from E.Reiljans :
Black tea <3

It's clearly brown.
S2 licensed
Too much, you can buy a new one for £140-£150 if you know where to look.

Try more like £100 especially on a racing forum..
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :We know of more oil today than we've ever known about.

Battery cars are worse for the environment.

Use LFSTweak to give the torque curve you want, then turn off your speakers. Turn off your computer every 17 minutes for a few hours to simulate more.

Tristan is right everywhere on this post.

Quote from Racer X NZ :So nuclear power is perfectly safe provided there isn't an accident ?

That makes it ok then...............

What MadCatX said. Nuclear is undoubtedly the way forward in terms of energy production and I would happily live next to a nuclear powerplant. Nuclear power is less dangerous flying in terms of deaths and the only reason that people go "oh no not nuclear" is because of Japan and Chernoybl. They forget it's a one or two time problem.. Nuclear power is clean and in effect ever lasting. So...shove your conspiracist crap, no offense.

Just like with cars, stop reading greenpeace style stuff and the conspiracy "oh my god the Japanese are trying to kill us" stuff. Just as Nuclear is the only viable option for the future of our power, hydrogen fuel cell is the only viable option for the power of our motorised vehicles. However in our lifetimes that won't be a problem, we're nowhere near running out out oil, the only reason it's priced so high is because they can. They make BILLIONS of $$ PROFIT each year. I think the oil industry needs regulating, like the banks, with caps on prices etc, because when you're making billions of $$ profit and yet most people are struggling to fill their cars, where's the justice?
Last edited by S14 DRIFT, . Reason : Shadowwwww you're talking rubbish again.
S2 licensed
Grape drink because it sounded more exotic than Blackcurrant and apple squash.
S2 licensed
Anything that has a title trailer with that guy who says, in a really deep and scary voice..

" a world run by fear...."

"....there is only one man to save the day..."

"....Dan LaFontaine"
S2 licensed
Nice mate, sticker bombing is really cool.
S2 licensed
TVE is fuelled by beer, boobies and bongs. And blue balls.
S2 licensed
Quote from Scrabby :ET 35-38 is really weak though
My highest wheels i'm running are +20. Rest is +15, 10 and -20-30

You real hardcore bro
S2 licensed
Quote from Klutch :rofl.

I agree! on older style engines where it's just whack off the sump nut, drain oil, replace oil filter with new one, replace sump nut washer, fill with oil...

piece of piss!

when it's newer engines when you have to suck out the oil then maybe not...but seriously, come on jack!!!! you're a bright boy you could have figured it out.

stamps in the book count for much less than a wad full of receipts and a lovely condition car and engine..

Besides it's a Ford KA not a Mitsubishi Evo..
S2 licensed
damn haha fooled on the dub dub. that's one nice bike. keep it shiny side up though mate !
S2 licensed
Quote from SparkyDave :

Officially worse than my corsa lol, we all gotta start somewhere though.

Edit: Ha! I win the new page game.

As a garage had chipped my wheels doing the tracking I had to take my car back in to be refurbished. Fortunately they gave me a loan wheel...

oh god&sorry it's big can't be bothered to resize.

The only thing I like about it is the offset (so basically how far it sits out in the arches). I think it's a 35-38 offset. However it's too big (18 inch wheels don't really work on Golf V's and all my other wheels are 17..) but with my rear camber the offset looks wicked. Might have to get some 15mm either side spacers for my A3 wheels. On the 11th I'll be rocking my regular wheels again (as a complete set )
Last edited by S14 DRIFT, .
S2 licensed
Ohh nice you got the going up in the world mate! That a new one you have? and the Mk1 in the background.. mmmm tasty lol

Those bikes can be a pain apparently to get the aftermarket exhaust on (if it's a full system) apparently it costs 5-6 hours labour due to BMW's fancy-smanchy electronics and ability to kill the bike if you do something it doesn't like.

they are very quick. lol
S2 licensed
So you're disappointed then?
S2 licensed
I just normally get banned for slightly trolling one guy where as everyone else gets away with murder.

Maybe I should kill people too?

To the OP: ever thought the mods can't be bothered to reply to your emails because they are all pointless? Oh help me my account has been stolen.... My account's been stolen too, I'm not actually S14 Drift, I am JakG or something.....
S2 licensed
They can't always respond to emails quickly because they're so busy developing Live for Speed.
S2 licensed
Quote from Agniz :

Got some stickers.

I have 3 pedo bear stickers.

Jack you are fine to do that mate 100% guaranteed no issues.
S2 licensed
Quote from Intrepid :Renault Twingo

A large fail, sir.
S2 licensed
No pitfalls at all. Only slightly difficulty would be if you wanted to sell the chassis (with VIN as a whole but engine and interior bits you can happily chop and change without needing to tell anyone anything.
S2 licensed
No but it's quite easy. Just sell bits you don't want. Did the Rover die?